“Democracy as a Way of Life”
Iola Whitlock Brubeck grew up in Redding, California and attended Shasta High School. There, she edited her high school newspaper, participated in student government, was president of the honor society and was the winner of several statewide awards for speech, debate and essay writing. At 16, she was valedictorian of Shasta High School's 1940 graduating class.
Iola’s 1940 essay below, Democracy as a Way of Life, was a speech she delivered to various organizations in California when a high school senior.
By Iola Whitlock
ca. May 1940
As international boundaries, institutions and beliefs are shattered throughout the world, the American people begin to realize which is meant by living in a democratic nation. It seemed to take the obliteration of human liberty, tolerance and faith to bring about this awakening, but it has come. On the street corner, in the home, there can be heard the re-echoing, fervent prayer, “Thank God, I am an American!”
Iola Brubeck at Brubeck home, 4949 Daisy, Oakland, California, 1940s. Digital scan courtesy of the Brubeck Collection at the Wilton Library.
But what is meant by being an American? There are some 130 million people, all of whom are different, plus lands, buildings, possessions, and most important of all, ideas, to add up to what the world knows as the United States.
In order to discuss democracy as a way of life, we must know how that form of government is reflected in the lives of its subjects. The political differences between a totalitarian state and a democratic nation are obvious, but seldom do we stop to consider the differences that these governments play on the lives and personalities of the people. To those of us who live in a nation of free enterprise, where the key to life is liberty, existence under a dictatorial regime would seem almost unbearable.
Let us compare the average German with the average American. The German, whom we will call Johann, has fought in the last war, has gone through a depression, but there the resemblance stops. The greatest obstacle in Johann’s pursuit of happiness, besides the possibility of being killed in the present war, is that he is not a free man, but in the eyes of the government, just so much man power. The government which rules Johann is sincere in its belief that the state is everything, the individual nothing; that the unit of wealth should be labor, not gold. Johann toils 16 hours a day in a government owned munitions factory and is forced to grant what leisure time is afforded him in the furthering of the cause of the Nazi party. His very existence is governed by one man!
He dares not whisper his own personal opinion; therefore, he no longer bothers to think. His inherent German thrift has been transformed into greed as he watches carefully every crumb of bread. Gradually he has built up a wall of hatred about him, a new hatred with each new invasion. The music and art which once filled his carefree life is now stamped out by the Nazi party. Johann possesses a handful of documents which authorize him to live, documents which proclaim his allegiance to Hitler and the Nazi party. He no longer has any religion, none except that which is preached incessantly in his ears, the doctrine of Naziism.
Now let us analyze the average American. You all know him — perhaps he is your father or mine. He, too, has fought in the last World War, has survived a depression. His favorite topics of conversation are the possibilities of Mr. Roosevelt running for a third term, the latest political move, what is going on over in Europe. He is a free man, who votes and thinks as he pleases. He freely criticizes the government which rules him, but he would willingly sacrifice his life to preserve the American way of life.
The government looks upon him as an individual to be protected by police, courts, and laws.
He works eight hours a day at his chosen occupation, and can remember when he, along with others, struck for shorter hours and higher wages. He makes up his own mind in politics, religion and learning, and has no race prejudice to warp his way of thinking. At present he is grappling with economic problems of crime, labor, unemployment, because he realizes it is he and the thousands of average American citizens like him who will solve these pressing national problems.
Somewhat an egotist, he prides himself on being equal with any other man, yet realizes it is through his own initiative he is able to carve for himself a place in the American scheme of life.
Although he would try to kid you, he is really inventive and imaginative, and has recently awakened to the fact that he, too, can appreciate the fine art and music which has been denied Johann. Unknowingly he interprets the spiritual significance of democracy in the way in which he lives by trying to live up to his and Christ’s creed, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
It is with all sincerity that I can say, “Thank God, I am an American.” Our country came into being not because one man possessed a maniacal desire for power, but because a mass of people wanted to live better in a land far from tyranny and oppression, where the principles of God can be practiced in everyday life. Thank God, we possess a heritage that has been cultivated by the sweat and blood and tears of heroes, that our way of living is in keeping with His principles, that we are free from tyranny and oppression, that DEMOCRACY is our WAY OF LIFE!
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