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Glances (1976)
Ballet composed for solo piano
Points on Jazz (1961)
Ballet composed for two pianos, 4 hands
Blue Rondo à la Turk (1959)
Jazz Ensemble: Arr. Kris Berg; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums
Jazz Ensemble: Arr. Calvin Custer ; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums (opt. C Flute, Horn in F, Baritone, Tuba)
Percussion Ensemble: Arr. Jeff Moore | 6 min; Orchestration: Orchestra Bells, Xylophone, 2 Marimbas, Vibraphone, optional Bass Guitar, Drumset
Chromatic Fantasy Sonata (1988)
Oboe, violin, viola, cello, and piano
Four by Four (1946; pub. 1979)
Two pianos
Points on Jazz (1961)
Ballet composed for two pianos, 4 hands
They All Sang Yankee Doodle (1976)
Tritonis (1978)
Flute and guitar
23rd Psalm (1994)
SATB, piano
A Christmas Hymn
SSAATTBB a cappella
All My Hope, from To Hope! A Celebration (1980)
SATB, a cappella or piano
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Democrat or Republican?
SATB divisi chorus with optional piano
As the Moon is to the Sun (1992)
SATB, a capella or with piano
Autumn In Our Town, from Four New England Pieces (1988)
SATB, a cappella
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
Bless These Ashes, from Lenten Triptych (1988)
Mixed Voices SATB, with keyboard or string orchestra
Blue Rondo à la Turk (1959)
Boogie 1 A.M., from Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB, piano
Circles (1994)
SATB, piano
The Commandments
SSAATTBB with Optional Piano*
*optional parts for brass (4-3-3-3-1), timpani and percussion available from Alfred Publishing
Dream of Freedom, from Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB voices with baritone solo and piano
Dusk, from Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB, piano
Earth Is Our Mother (1992)
SATB, piano
Ev’ry Christmas I Hear Bells (2004)
SATB, piano
Festival Hall (1987)
SATB, piano
Forty Days, from The Light in the Wilderness (1968)
Four New England Pieces (1988)
SATB, piano
The Gates of Justice (1969)
Soloists: Tenor, Baritone
Orchestration: 0000/4331/timp.2perc/db
God’s Love Made Visible, from La Fiesta de la Posada (1975)
Good Will to Women (1991)
SATB with optional piano
Hear the Bells Ringing (1991)
Mixed chorus with piano (hand bells optional)
Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB, piano
How Does Your Garden Grow? from Four New England Pieces (1988)
Mixed Voices, SATB, piano
I Dream a World: Fugue, from Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB, piano
I Have a Little Shadow (1994)
SATB, piano
I See, Satie (1987)
SATB, piano
In Time of Silver Rain, from Hold Fast to Dreams (1998)
SATB and Children's Choir, piano (with optional ORFF percussion arr. by Sue Ellen Page)
It Hath Been Told Thee (1980)
SATB (divisi), a cappella or piano
In Praise of Mary “Concordia Lititia” (1989)
For chorus (optional boys' chorus), soprano (or boy soprano), string quartet (or string orchestra); optional organ
It’s a Raggy Waltz (1962), choral
SATB, piano
Joy in the Morning (1991)
SATB, piano
La Fiesta de La Posada (1975)
Unison Children’s Chorus & SATB Chorus
Soloists: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Orchestra: 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/timp.2perc/hp.hpd.gtr/str
Alternate Orchestration: 0000/0200/timp.2mba/hp
Lenten Triptych (1988)
SATB with organ (individual movement available for performance)
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, from The Light in the Wilderness (1968)
The Light in the Wilderness (1968)
Soloist: Baritone
Orchestration: 3(pic)2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/perc/hpd.org/jazz combo/str
Lonesome from The Real Ambassadors (1961)
SSAATTBB (arr. Howard Brubeck), a capella
Lord Lord
Love Flows from God to Man (1961)
Chorus (or male chorus) and piano (or orchestra)
Once When I Was Very Young from Four New England Pieces (1988)
Mixed Voices, SATB, a capella
Pange Lingua Variations (1989)
SATB Choir, accompanied
Brass, Organ, Strings & Percussion
The Peace of Wild Things (2009)
Power Chorale and Fugue
Praise God for Sending the Light
SATB, piano
Precious Gift His Wondrous Birth
SATB, a capella
Psalm 120, from Joy in the Morning (1991)
SATB, piano
Psalm 121, from Joy in the Morning (1991)
SATB, piano
Psalm 30, from Joy in the Morning (1991)
SATB, piano
Quiet As the Moon (1987)
Regret (2001)
Arr. for chorus
Run, Run, Run to Bethlehem
Sleep Holy Infant Sleep, from La Fiesta de la Posada (1975)
SSATBB, piano
Summer Song, from The Real Ambassadors (1961)
SATB choir, Arr. Dan Coates
Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, and Jazz Quartet, Arr. Darius Brubeck
Jazz Combo Orchestration: 22+ca.2+bcl.1/4331/2perc/str
Take Five (Choral)
SATB, piano, with optional bass, guitar and drums
This is the Day (1995)
SATB, piano
To Hope! A Celebration (1980)
Chorus & Brass Quintet, Percussion, Organ, Cel & Strings
Orchestration:,timp,2 perc,org,cel,str,SATB soli,SATB chs Perc = tubular bells[opt. orch bells/bell lyre]crotales, susp cym, dumbeg (clay drum) or bongos, timbales, tamb, cast, sd, vibes, chimes, bd.
To Us is Given, from Pange Lingua Variations (1989)
SATB, piano
Truth (1988)
SATB voices divisi and optional piano
Truth is Fallen (1971)
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/2perc/hpd.org/str;Jazz combo: tbn/ebass.2egtr.hmn.epf
Two Churches, from Four New England Pieces (1988)
Mixed Voices, SATB, piano
Upon this Rock – Chorale & Fugue (1987)
SATB with orchestra
Orchestration: 32+ca2(optional bcl)2/4331/2perc/str/antiphonal trumpet 1 & 2/optional organ accompaniment
Voice of the Holy Spirit – Tongues of Fire (1985)
Baritone Soloist
111(opt. bcl.)2;/1211/2perc.timp/str
Individual movements available for performance.
We Three Kings (1992)
SATB, opt. piano
When the Lord is Pleased (1991)
SATB, piano
The Wheel (1994)
The Wind (1994)
SATB, piano
Why We Sing at Christmas (1991)
Two-part Men and Women (with optional divisi) and piano
Yes, We All Have Our Cross to Bear (1988)
SSAATTBB, opt. piano
Chorus with Orchestra
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
The Commandments
SSAATTBB with Optional Piano
Optional parts for brass (4-3-3-3-1), timpani and percussion
The Gates of Justice (1969)
Soloists: Tenor, Baritone
Orchestration: 0000/4331/timp.2perc/db
In Praise of Mary “Concordia Lititia” (1989)
For chorus (optional boys' chorus), soprano (or boy soprano), string quartet (or string orchestra); optional organ
Joy in the Morning (1991)
SATB Chorus, Orchestra
La Fiesta de La Posada (1975)
Unison Children’s Chorus & SATB Chorus
Soloists: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Orchestra: 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/timp.2perc/hp.hpd.gtr/str
Alternate Orchestration: 0000/0200/timp.2mba/hp
The Light in the Wilderness (1968)
Soloist: Baritone
Orchestration: 3(pic)2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/perc/hpd.org/jazz combo/str
Love Flows from God to Man (1961)
Chorus (or male chorus) and piano (or orchestra)
Pange Lingua Variations (1989)
SATB Choir, accompanied
Brass, Organ, Strings & Percussion
They All Sang Yankee Doodle (1976)
SATB Chorus
Orchestration: 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/43[+]31/perc.timp/hp.org/str
To Hope! A Celebration (1980)
Chorus & Brass Quintet, Percussion, Organ, Cel & Strings
Orchestration:,timp,2 perc,org,cel,str,SATB soli,SATB chs Perc = tubular bells[opt. orch bells/bell lyre]crotales, susp cym, dumbeg (clay drum) or bongos, timbales, tamb, cast, sd, vibes, chimes, bd.
Truth is Fallen (1971)
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/4331/2perc/hpd.org/str;Jazz combo: tbn/ebass.2egtr.hmn.epf
Upon this Rock – Chorale & Fugue (1987)
SATB, Orchestra
Orchestration: 32+ca2(optional bcl)2/4331/2perc/str/antiphonal trumpet 1 & 2/optional organ accompaniment
Voice of the Holy Spirit – Tongues of Fire (1985)
Baritone Soloist
111(opt. bcl.)2;/1211/2perc.timp/str
Blue Rondo (2000)
Score for the 2000 short film Blue Rondo.
Die Martins-Passions (2004)
Score for the 2004 documentary film Die Martins-Passion, about Brazilian pianist João Carlos Martins.
Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate (1967)
Score for the 1967 film Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate.
Ordeal by Innocence (1984)
Score for the 1984 film Ordeal by Innocence.
Theme from Mr. Broadway (1964)
Arr. available for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Jazz Quartet.
This is America, Charlie Brown (1988)
Score for The NASA Space Station episode of This is America, Charlie Brown.
Jazz Ensemble
Blue Rondo à la Turk (1959)
Jazz Ensemble: Arr. by Kris Berg; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums
Jazz Ensemble: Arr. by Calvin Custer ; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums (opt. C Flute, Horn in F, Baritone, Tuba)
Arr. available for Big Band, Orchestra, and Orchestra & Jazz Combo
In Your Own Sweet Way (1961)
Jazz Combo & strings
(also available in Big Band; Jazz Quartet; and Orchestra)
Orchestra & Jazz Combo
Jazz combo
Orchestra alone
Big band
Take Five (Instrumental)
Arr. available for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
The Basie Band is Back in Town
Arr. available for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
The Duke
Jazz Band (Grade 3)
Unsquare Dance
Arr. available for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band, and Jazz Quartet
Jazz Operetta
Orchestra with Jazz Combo
Blue Rondo à la Turk (1959)
Jazz Ensemble: Arranged by Kris Berg; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums
Jazz Ensemble: Arranged by Calvin Custer ; Orchestration: 2 alto sax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, guitar, piano, bass, drums (opt. C Flute, Horn in F, Baritone, Tuba)
Percussion Ensemble: Arrange by Jeff Moore | 6 min; Orchestration: Orchestra Bells, Xylophone, 2 Marimbas, Vibraphone, optional Bass Guitar, Drumset
Brandenburg Gate: Revisited (1961)
Jazz combo, horn, strings
Arr. available for Big Band, Orchestra, and Orchestra & Jazz Combo
Cathy’s Waltz (1961)
Jazz Combo
Elementals (1963)
Jazz Combo & Orchestra
In Your Own Sweet Way (1961)
Jazz Combo & Strings
For Orchestra & Jazz Combo
Also available for jazz combo only, for orchestra only, and big band
Koto Song
Arr. for Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Orchestra Only, Combo Only
Out of the Way of the People, from Gates of Justice (1970)
Jazz Combo
Summer Song, from The Real Ambassadors (1961)
Arr. for SATB choir by Dan Coates
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, and Jazz Quartet by Darius Brubeck
Jazz Combo Orchestration: 22+ca.2+bcl.1/4331/2perc/str
Take Five (Instrumental)
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
The Basie Band is Back in Town
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
Theme from Mr. Broadway (1964)
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo; Jazz Quartet
Three to Get Ready
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Jazz Quartet
Unsquare Dance
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band, and Jazz Quartet
Ansel Adams: America (2009)
3fl(III=picc). 2 ob(2=EH or 2 + EH). 2cl. bcl. 2bsn. opt.dbn. 4hrn. 3tpt. 3tbn. tuba. timpani. Percussion 1. Percussion 2. Percussion 3. Harp. Piano. Violins I & II, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
Arr. for Big Band, Orchestra, and Orchestra & Jazz Combo
Chromatic Fantasy Sonata (1988)
Oboe, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano.
Arr. for string quartet, jazz quartet, and orchestra
Fugal Fanfare “Happy Anniversary” (1970)
In Your Own Sweet Way (1961)
Jazz Combo & Strings
Available for jazz combo only, for orchestra only, and big band
Nomad (1958)
Full Orchestra
Regret (2001)
String orchestra and piano
Summer Song, from The Real Ambassadors (1961)
Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, and Jazz Quartet arr. Darius Brubeck
Take Five (Instrumental)
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
The Basie Band is Back in Town
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band and Jazz Quartet
Theme and Explorations
3[1.2.Pic] 3[1.2.Eh] 3[1.2.bcl] 3[1.2.Cbn] – 4 3 3 1 – tmp+3perc – str
Theme from Mr. Broadway (1964)
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo; Jazz Quartet
Three to Get Ready
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Jazz Quartet
Unsquare Dance
Arr. for Orchestra, Orchestra & Jazz Combo, Big Band, and Jazz Quartet
Solo Piano
Chromatic Fantasy Sonata (1988)
Transcription for solo piano
Four by Four (1946; pub. 1979)
Two pianos (4 hands)
Glances (1976)
Ballet composed for solo piano
It’s A Raggy Waltz, solo piano (1961)
Solo piano
Reminiscences of the Cattle Country (1946)
Solo piano
The Rising Sun
Solo piano
The Salmon Strikes
Solo piano
Tritonis (1978)
Arr. for solo piano
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Solo piano
Piano Books & Collections
A Dave Brubeck Christmas
Solo piano – SMP Level 8 (Early Advanced)
Dave Brubeck: At The Piano
Solo piano (Advanced)
Dave Brubeck Deluxe Piano Album
Piano solo collection
Dave Brubeck’s Two-Part Adventures
Solo Piano Arr. by Dave Brubeck.
Dave Brubeck: Jazz Play-Along Vol. 161
For use with all B-flat, E-flat, Bass Clef and C instruments
Jamey Aebersold Jazz, Volume 105: Dave Brubeck
Play Along (any instrument) - Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Jazz Piano Solos, Vol. 42: Dave Brubeck
Piano solo collection
Jazz Masters: Dave Brubeck
Piano solo collection
Piano solo collection
Seriously Brubeck
Piano solo collection
Selections from Seriously Brubeck
Solo Piano: Early Advanced - Late Intermediate
Simply Brubeck
Piano solo collection
The Genius of Dave Brubeck, Book 1: Piano Solos
Solo Piano Book – SMP Level 9 (Advanced)
Themes from Eurasia
Piano solo collection
Time Out: The Dave Brubeck Quartet, Solo Piano
Piano solo collection (Advanced)
Soloist(s) with Orchestra
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
(Reduced orchestration: 3 fl, 4 hrn, hrp, timpani, perc, organ)
The Gates of Justice (1969)
Soloists: Tenor, Baritone
Orchestration: 0000/4331/timp.2perc/db
All My Love (1999)
Voice and Piano
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
Day After Day (2001)
Voice and Piano
Don’t Forget Me (2002)
Voice and Piano
So Lonely (2007)
Voice and Piano
Strange Meadowlark (1960)
Voice and Piano
Summer Song, from The Real Ambassadors (1961)
Arr. for SATB choir
Voice and Piano
The Time of Our Madness (1999)
Voice and Piano
There’ll Be No Tomorrow (1963)
Voice and Piano
They All Sang Yankee Doodle (1976)
Voice and Piano
Voice(s) and Orchestra
Beloved Son (1978)
For baritone, soprano, chorus, jazz quartet and orchestra
In Praise of Mary “Concordia Lititia” (1989)
For chorus (optional boys' chorus), soprano (or boy soprano), string quartet (or string orchestra); optional organ
They All Sang Yankee Doodle (1976)
SATB chorus and piano